Timothy T. Testimony

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This year in the River Bible School we have come to see the fruition of everyone’s efforts in soul winning in Tampa. All last year we went continually, week by week, to several communities to share the gospel with the people, love on them, and encourage them to become a part of the body of Christ.

As this school began in September I noticed that I would run into many people in these communities that I was seeing on Sunday’s at the River church! People would open their doors and greet me with “Oh I know you, you’re from the River; God bless you!” It went from finding many unsaved people in the communities the year before to now being able to barely find any at all who hadn’t heard and accepted the gospel message of salvation! Praise the Lord! The communities are visibly affected now as well.

There is joy and love evident everywhere and people are connecting to neighbors so much more now through the amazing bus ministry we have here at the River which picks up all the church goers for our “Main Event” service on Sunday mornings. I have been so blessed to see all of my seed come to growth in these people. Seeing people I have witnessed to last year now coming to church is something I cannot even describe in words! I can only liken what I am witnessing every week in the Tampa communities I visit to the parable of the sower who had an amazing harvest of fruit after sowing out the seed of the gospel of Christ.

The word of God truly changes people, families, and even communities all together. It is such a pleasure to go out now to these communities and share insight from the word of God, encourage and build up the believers, and pray for whatever needs they have it is daily ministry.

Tessa G. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

During a super soul winning Saturday a friend from school and I teamed up and went door to door in some apartments off of Fowler. The first door we came to was a woman sitting outside with her kids. I began to read the script and asked her to say a prayer after me. As soon as she said the part “I’m forgiven” she began to cry. She said that God was touching her and she believed what she said.

Right after that we went up to the next flight of stairs and we came to this woman’s house who said she was already saved but wanted to get baptized in the Holy Spirit. I began to tell her how important it was to have the Holy Spirit and I was telling her my friend would find a scripture in the Bible that confirmed what I had just said. She then repeated a prayer after us and asked the Holy Spirit into her heart. She said as soon as she said the prayer she felt like all the burdens were off her shoulder and that she didn’t feel pain or hurt anymore. We began to explain to her they were not our words, but His and that the Holy Spirit will keep her safe and guide her.

That day was such a great harvest. Our group saw many miracles that day including a blind woman seeing and kids putting their drugs down to give their hearts to the Lord.

Teresa T. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Soul wining changed my life. I was a Christian but I never had told anyone about Jesus other than to say that I had Jesus in my heart and knew of him. Not to tell them that He was the savior of their life. Nor to tell them all that He did for them. My walk with Jesus was all about me and what was going to happen to me at the end of my life. Coming here to the River Bible Institute and learning how to go soul wining changed all of that. It made me see that there is more to life than me. That when I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior that I also accepted the responsibility of Mark 16:15-17. And just as much as soul wining is about giving people the chance to have a real relationship with Jesus, it’s about getting them healed, set free and delivered.

After being here for two years now I look back at when I first went out soul wining, where I was full of the Holy Spirit and scared out of my mind. How could I just walk up to a stranger and tell him that God loved him and had wonderful plan for his life? Surely they would look at me like I was crazy, but they didn’t I still didn’t even believe while it was happening. I was so shocked that it worked; that I just had to try it again and again it worked. To the point now that I have led over 2,000 people to the Lord, with the help of the Holy Spirit. I have a boldness to do what the Lord has called me to do no matter what it looks or feels like. He paid the ultimate price for me and for you how can we not go out and win souls. If His love has been shed abroad in hearts Romans 5:5 then we can’t help it. His love for us compels us to tell others about His love for them.

Sara G. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Soul winning is a life changing encounter. It not only changes your life because you are giving but it also changes many others who you give to. It is an action that is not about you. It is sharing the Gospel, and sharing the Life which is the Word of God. I really enjoy outreach and going to locations where we invite people to ride on the bus after we share the Gospel.

I also enjoyed going on the Great Awakening Tour where all day we would do nothing but share the Gospel. It is awesome to know an amazingly good God and be able to share Him with others who are crying out for His love everyday. People want to be loved. They want to be fulfilled and we have that Life inside of us that meets every single need. I love sharing the Gospel and seeing their countenance change. I have met so many people who were so thankful I spoke to them. There were some who cried because the love of God became real to them in their hearts.

God has healed people through the speaking of His Word. I met this lady in Montana living in some apartments. She said she had been in depression and I was an answer to her prayer. She recommitted her entire life back to God and then had to sit down after praying. She told me she had pain in her knees and so I prayed a simple prayer and prayed Is. 53:5. After I said “amen”, she jumped up and gave me a huge hug.

There was no more pain and she was crying with joy touched by Jesus. God touched her life. But all I had to do was obey and do what He has asked us all to do.

Samantha S. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Our Mission and focus in life as believers is to win souls and see people enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. The Bible Says in Proverbs, he who wins souls is wise. The River at Tampa Bay Church has been out on the streets being wise! To see people who have never even heard the name of Jesus, be presented with the very hope that will rock their worlds, is one of the most fulfilling and rewarding things in life.

The Bible also says, in Matthew 28 that we are to make disciples. One definition of disciple is to be a follower. It is so important to share the Good News, but also important to see them become disciples and to continue to follow Jesus. Salvation is more than just a prayer to pray. It is so cool to see the ones who have been changed and are being disciple going forth winning people to Jesus and raising up disciples as well. It has definitely made me look at people differently. People that I walk by, and come in contact with everyday are not just bodies.

They are souls who need the same hope and life that I have received. It would be selfish and stupid for me to keep it to myself. I had to realize that, yes, Jesus died for me, but He also died for everyone else as well. I question salvation if you don’t have a heart to see the kingdom of God populate every minute of the day, and every day of the year. It can be frightening, but the reward over powers fears. Your life and way of thinking will never be the same after encountering the love of Jesus flooding and unbeliever’s heart for the very first time. It’s MORE than worth it.

Richard M. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Revival ministries international is not just another ministry! It is a place where you can come and find out how big god really is, and how much he wants to use you if you will let him. Since coming to the ministry I have been a part of the children’s ministry, security team, ushering, parking lot attendant, and Television production team. Along with the soul winning outreach which is held twice a day Monday through Friday it was easy to find a place where God could use me. Since coming in the fall of 2009 for my second year of bible school soul winning has been embedded into my mind and thinking!

Everywhere you look there is an opportunity for god to use you, just go to your local grocery store and as you’re shopping for food, shop for some people too! I remember one occasion when I went to a local Wal-Mart. It was late and I was ready to go home, but I just felt like I should talk to some people about the lord. Within twenty minutes I had talked to 4 people. Two received Christ as their savior, one I invited to church, and another dear lady was healed from a sprained ankle. God is so good! If we just offer our time to him he can do great things through us.

Another instance was when my friend and I went to north boulevard homes in downtown Tampa. Within an hour we had won fifty people to the Lord. On that day we were able to lead somewhere between thirty or so children to Lord! It’s amazing how quickly god can use you! Since being here at River Ministries international my life has changed dramatically on my outlook on people. Every person that I meet is an opportunity to lead to the Lord!

Matters of the Heart

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

This week of sitting under Pastor Adonica’s teaching has been life changing for me. I hadn’t realized the extent of myself hardening my heart to the Lord. I was open to receive and I recognized that I needed the Lord to deal with me. I am so thankful for that decision. She spoke about the heart of God in regards to how he feels about the condition of our heart and how he brings correction when your heart doest have the right attitude. I never realized until now, that its not about being in the ministry and creating a title for yourself, its about taking what God has given you, no matter how little it may seem, and giving it out to the person in front of you. You don’t have to wait until you’re in front of a congregation to share God’s love and his heart.

You should respect God so much that when his Holy Spirit comes to convict you and set you on the right path you instantly obey. Delayed obedience is disobedience. I always thought that God was a mean, strict, and uncompassionate God and that whenever I messed up he was waiting to pester me with “conviction”. But that is 100% not the heart of God. He loves and cares so much for me that the last thing he wants to do is bring judgment to me. He brings correction and discipline to my life for my benefit to protect me and to relieve me from a life that isn’t filled with his complete joy, peace, and love. He never condemns you or looks down on you, but gently straightens you out to show you places in your life that are the hindrances in growing in your relationship with him. If I allow the Lord to straighten out me out immediately, I will never harden my heart and wind up miles away from his perfect path for my life.

Gods discipline can only feel unending if you never surrender your full will to the father. Discipline will only work if you receive it. You have to make the choice personally to be reachable by God. Open your heart so that you can see his love more than his correction. The way you can do that is by understanding that he corrects the ones he loves, and through his correction he is showing you the love he has for you. Everything that God has for you is available- all you have to do is protect you heart from the world and keep it open towards the Lord.

Matters of the Heart

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

What I think is that all people should love one another and show compassion to each other. But we do not see that these days in time. We fighting against brothers and sister against sister and, all start when some persons get into other peoples affairs. We must keep our nose out of other people’s business. Before we speak we have to listen to our hearts to find out what to say to the person or keep our mouths shut. We need to learn to embrace one another and to say that powerful word (I love you.). Then after that let your heart do the talking, for the brain in your heart will come up with things to say and do. We just have to walk in the light that is within us. We must stop judging one another and love one another. When things go wrong we must seek the Lord and he will put in our heart how to fix the problem. But if still there is a problem is not fix. We need to go to the word and stand on it. When God tell us to do something we must obey Him immediately and do what he tells us to do. He is not going to lead us down the wrong path. When we walk in obedience and do what he tells us to do, we will see windows and doors open unto us. But we cannot allow the devil to come in through a door of disobedience and rebellion. We must stay in God’s presence at all times. To love God is to obey Him, and we know that He loves us and His desire is for us to go higher in Him. We should not fall into a trap when people offend us or talks bad about us. We just have to be like a duck and let these things role off our backs.

Matters of The Heart | Darwin Zelaya Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

In the class Matters of the Heart I learned a lot about love, obviously from the title of the class you would think that you would be learning about that. When Pastor Adonica started teaching it was a lot of stuff that we talked about in The Love Walk but we went in to more details about how love REALLY works. One thing that really popped out to me was the way God really loves us, I mean no matter what we do that is not following God’s will, He still continues to love us the same through. He walks us through our situation or problem and He holds our hand all the way through it. Another thing that I have learned is how I am supposed to love other people. Before I would have trouble loving people that did things that hurt me. I have been in a lot of different relationships over the years, and one thing that I noticed is that I would get attached very quickly with girls and after a while we would end up breaking up, and I would end up hating them for breaking my heart and I would stop talking to them. After taking this class I realized that I was wrong and that since I say that I am a born again Christian, I should love people the way God loves us, with agape love, unconditional, never ending, never changing, without any strings attached. So one thing that I have started doing because of this class is I started talking to a few of those ex-girlfriend and just apologizing for being such a jerk and just start loving them (as friends of course) even though sometimes it does hurt, and the only thing that keeps me going is just the thought of God loving me even though I failed Him so many times, even after I got saved.

Great Awakening Tour Seek on Mass | Theresa M Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

I went to June 28,29,30th eve meetings and due to work I could only get out with your group to witness on Friday am. For me I stepped out of my comfort zone on 30th. I am a nurse and have led 100’s to the Lord in nursing hms, assisted living facilities and group homes. I live in a suburbon small town. So for me to go out into the streets in Providence it was quite different. I had a BLAST. I got to Prov. around 11:15am and had to leave at 1:30p. I talked with 40 people and 20 came to Jesus. I was so amazed at what Jesus did thru me that day. I talked with people of every age it was so awesome. The following day Sat am we already planned to go out witnessing in our church town. Only 2 people showed up to particpate. There was not as many people out on the streets as I thought.But 36 people got saved. The script taught me so many things I shared it with our body today. My husband is the Pastor of our church; Spirit Life Center in Milford Mass. I felt like Pastor Jennifer: I gave a teaching on it before we went out to witness. The spanish version is excellent. I got 4 spanish speaking people saved having them read it aloud the salvation prayer and also my son who knows a little spanish helped interpet. This is only the beginning. I and my husband were so blessed during the evening meetings; we went to these meetings knowing we were onfire for the things of God and knowing its all about souls and we believe by the laying on of hands by Pastor Rodney we received an impartation. Pastor and I have such a passion and excitment so far beyond what we had before. Today during service the fire hit so many people including this new person. Who yesterday we led to the Lord, he had never been in a church and does not know anything about how church should be, so to him he thought it was great. No religion in him Praise God. People were falling out: being hit with the joy and healings taken place. This has happened before in our church but there has definitly been an increase. Also the annointing on our lives has increased not only on us but the people in the body. People were so hungry Praise God. I want to thank Pastors Rodney and Adonica and Pastors Eric and Jennifer and all your team for coming and changing not only our lives but so many others. We are so grateful all our love in Christ Jesus. We and our body will continue to interceede for your church and the Great Awakening tours. Pastors Ron & Theresa Morese

Theresa M
Mendon Massachusetts United States

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