Sarahi Testimony

The word of God teaches us in Matthew chapter 13 a Parable of a farmer that sowed. This reveals to us that the farmer goes out and plants seeds. But some seeds fall on a pathway and the birds come and eat it. That happens in our lives a lot of times. Perhaps it may happen to us when we go to church and we hear the word of God, but our hearts aren’t receptive to it. So we go back to our daily lives without making a change. This chapter also talks about how some seeds fell along a path where there are rocks. They grew fast, but since they weren’t rooted in good ground they dried up fast.  I relate that with our lives when we hear the word and we accept it, but there’s no change. We no longer attend church except every other day or Sunday. We no longer read the word. So within a matter of time our spiritual life begins to decrease and dry up. But the most beautiful part of this scripture is that part of the seeds fall on good ground and it bears good fruit. For 100 to 60 to 30 fold as when we accept the word into our hearts and we allow the Holy Spirit to work in us and do as he pleases with us. That’s when we start to bear fruit. We don’t allow our problems or our situations to bring us down. But as a matter of fact, they make us stronger; by reading the word & keeping ourselves in consistent prayer. We also have to seek God, because if we are with him there’s no “bird” that can come and take away that good seed that has been planted within us.
