Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.
I am interning in the outreach department with Pastor Daniel. In the past few weeks that I have begun my internship, I have seen the amazing things that God is doing in the lives of people outside the church on the streets. I have been learning how to run soul winning classes, how to set them up with supplies, and how things run behind the scenes in a major outreach. Our goal is to reach the city of Tampa with the good news of Gospel of Jesus, and it has been an honor for just this short period of time. Interning in the outreach department is more than just soul winning out on the streets, although that is a crucial part of it. There is a lot of back work to do first before that can be accomplished.
I have been learning how to contact pastors to get them onboard with the vision of winning the lost in their community. We call them, follow up with them, and visit their churches to help them establish the ground work. We also work with the bus routes and create fliers for cook outs and Bible studies in each community that we are targeting. It is so amazing to me to see what God is doing in every facet of this department. People are so willing and excited to help in seeing Tampa brought to the Lord, every cook out and Bible study we have, there is an altar call and people come rushing forward to give their hearts to Jesus, to surrender their all to Him. Literally, communities are being changed, crime rates are dropping in this city dramatically, and they are really growing in the things of God as they come to church. God is so faithful to fulfill His Word, Tampa will be saved!!!